Imagine is the first European center for research, care and teaching on genetic diseases. With the mission of understanding and curing them, the Institute brings together 1000 of the best doctors, researchers and healthcare personnel in an architecture that creates synergies. It is this unprecedented continuum of expertise, combined with proximity to patients, that allows Imagine to make discoveries for the patients. The approximately 9,000 genetic diseases that have been identified affect 35 million patients in Europe, and nearly 3 million in France, where 30,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Nearly 60% of the children received in consultation leave without a genetic diagnosis and 90% of genetic diseases have no cure. Faced with this major public health issue, the challenge is twofold: to diagnose and cure.
Frédéric Rieux-Laucat
Scientific and Technical Coordinator of ATRACTion and Principal Investigator
Immunogenetics of pediatric autoimmune diseases
Mickaël Ménager
WP leader, Principal Investigator and Head of LabTech Single-Cell@Imagine platform
Inflammatory responses and transcriptomic networks in diseases
Nadine Cerf-Bensussan
WP co-leader and Principal Investigator
Intestinal immunity
Nicolas Garcelon
WP leader and Head of Data Science platform
Plateforme Data science
Sanofi is dedicated to supporting people through their health challenges. We are a global biopharmaceutical company focused on human health. We prevent illness with vaccines, provide innovative treatments to fight pain and ease suffering. We stand by the few who suffer from rare diseases and the millions with long-term chronic conditions.
With more than 100,000 people in 100 countries, Sanofi is transforming scientific innovation into healthcare solutions around the globe.
Michel Didier
Translational Science Department

The leading hospital and university centre (CHU) in Europe, Greater Paris University Hospitals and its 39 hospitals are organised into six hospital-university groups (AP-HP. Centre - Université de Paris ; AP-HP. Sorbonne Université ; AP-HP. Nord - Université de Paris ; AP-HP. Université Paris Saclay ; AP-HP. Hôpitaux Universitaires Henri Mondor et AP-HP. Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Seine-Saint-Denis) and are centred around five universities in the Île-de-France region. Closely linked to large research bodies, Greater Paris University Hospitals include three international hospital-university institutes (Institut du Cerveau, ICAN, IMAGINE) and the largest French health data repository (EDS). As a major stakeholder in applied research and health innovation, Greater Paris University Hospitals hold a portfolio of 650 active patents, and each year its clinicians sign off nearly 9,000 scientific publications and over 4,000 research projects are under development, all promoters combined. In 2020, Greater Paris University Hospitals were awarded the Institut Carnot label, which is recognition of the quality of partner research: Carnot@AP-HP offers industrial stakeholders applied and clinical research solutions in the health sector. In 2015, Greater Paris University Hospitals also founded the Greater Paris University Hospitals Research Foundation to support the biomedical and health research performed in all its hospitals.
Alain Fischer
WP leader and Professor at Collège de France
Necker-Enfants Malades

The French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) is a major player in research and innovation. INRAE is among the top research organisations in the agricultural and food sciences, plant and animal sciences, as well as in ecology and environmental science. It is the world’s leading research organisation specialising in agriculture, food and the environment. INRAE’s goal is to be a key player in the transitions necessary to address major global challenges. Faced with a growing world population, climate change, resource scarcity, and declining biodiversity, the institute is developing solutions that involve multiperformance agriculture, high-quality food, and the sustainable management of resources and ecosystems. MetaGenoPolis (MGP) is an INRAE unit expert in gut microbiome research applied to human and animal health and nutrition, funded by the Programme des Investissements d'Avenir (Laureate 2012 and 2019). MGP's expertise in the analysis of the gut microbiome and its implications for health and nutrition has been widely recognized in the international scientific community since 2010. In collaboration with industry, academia and clinics, MGP conceives and implements projects tailored to the partner’s need. ISO 9001 certified, the protocols and procedures are constantly maintained at the cutting edge of technology. To explore the link between the microbiome, nutrition and health, MGP has innovative technological platforms, accompanied by an ethical center UCLy (Catholic University of Lyon). MGP offers end-to-end microbiome analysis services, including DNA extraction, library preparation, shotgun sequencing, quantitative and functional metagenomics, big data storage and computing facilities, bioinformatics, statistical analysis, and data interpretation. One of MGP's ambitions is to develop more industrial partnerships and the creation of start-ups to accelerate microbiome science and innovation in health and nutrition.
Stanislas Dusko Erlich
Co-WP leader and Scientific Director Metaquant
Mathieu Almeida
Associated Researcher MetaGenoPolis

CEA is a major player in research, at the service of the State, the economy and citizens. It provides concrete solutions to their needs in four main areas: energy transition, digital transition, technologies for the medicine of the future, defense and security. Pushing back the frontiers of knowledge.
CEA conducts fundamental research in the fields of biotechnology and health, matter and universe sciences, physics and nanosciences. It places at the heart of its objectives the production and publication of knowledge and know-how at the best global level. This knowledge is also an indispensable source for CEA's other missions. In 2019, nearly 3,800 scientific publications were signed by CEA researchers, three quarters of which are the result of international collaborations.
Christophe Junot
Head of unit
Pharmacology and Immunoanalysis unit

Institut Curie, France’s leading cancer center, combines an internationally-renowned research center with a cutting-edge hospital group that treats all types of cancer, including the rarest. Founded in 1909 by Marie Curie, Institut Curie employs 3,600 researchers, physicians, and health professionals across three sites (Paris, Saint-Cloud, and Orsay), working on its three missions: treatment, research, and teaching. A private foundation with public utility status, Institut Curie is authorized to receive donations and legacies, and thanks to the support of its donors, is able to make discoveries more quickly, improving treatments and quality of life for patients.
Joshua Waterfall
Principal Investigator
Integrative Functional Genomics of Cancer

Created in 2019 through the fusion of the historic Universities Paris Diderot, Paris Descartes and the Institut de physique du globe de Paris, Université de Paris (UP) is also a founding member of the European University Alliance Circle U.
A research-intensive university, UP has seen its high-standard research and innovation environment acknowledged in 2020 with both the award of the French National seal of excellence (IdEx) and an entry to the 65th place of the top 100 universities in the ARWU ranking (4th place for French !universities). The University relies on a strong tradition of Research in the area of Health and Medicine, making it to the top 50 worldwide universities in 4 of 6 topics in medical sciences (ARWU). At the heart of its research strategy, the University aims to foster novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches through the activities of its laboratories, working in close-knit with Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP), embedded in the clinical activities of the GH Paris Centre Université de Paris et GH Paris Nord-Université de Paris structures. UP research teams join forces with Inserm and, to a lesser degree, with the CNRS, in the context of many large research centers.
Anita Burgun
Principal Investigator
Information Sciences to support Personalized Medicine